Tuesday, 30 October 2018

30/10/18- Foxy's Notes

Safe Margins:

Safe margins are there to make sure that the video and the text is safely visible no matter what it is played on. The outer rectangle is the video safe and the inner rectangle is the text safe. In the image to the left you can see that the text just goes out of the text safe safe margins. .
 To open the Safety margins onto your video in premier all you need to do is click on the spanner logo and click on the option 'Safety Margins'


100% Red, 100% Green, 100% Blue = White- 1v. 

How you make a lower third graphic:

First you should go to the Graphics layout to help you find things and navigate though the options easier. And find all the other stages easier as the screen grabs are in this format.

On your right you will see this take called 'Essential Graphics' there are drop down boxes as see in the photo the second drop down and find the option called '\Lower Thirds' this then shows you a bunch of pre-sets for the lower thirds. You can also see in these photos there is an options at the top called Browse and Edit, Browse as you can see is for selecting a preset of your choice in any category.  Edit as you can see in the picture, to the right, is of some of the options you can do to this graphic to make it look unique to your production. In this example we are using a simple bracket lower half graphic. This only consists of two variables, the bracket and the text. With the brackets you can customise; the orientation, opacity, the colour and/or